Hair oil for itchy and sensitive scalp - Marina's Beauty Blog

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Monday, October 29, 2018

Hair oil for itchy and sensitive scalp

People with sensitive skin sometimes also have issue with having dry, itchy and sensitive scalp that tend to get red and irritated easily. Oiling one's scalp can help calm the itchiness and dryness that cause scalp to be painfully red and irritated. For such scalp hairs also appear to be dry and lifeless, therefore, one should always make sure that they use natural and chemical free hair oil. Below are two oils that will nourish your dry and irritated scalp along with making your hair feel alive and well hydrated.

Raw fresh ripe Phyllanthus emblica,amla or Indian gooseberry with its powder on wooden surface. royalty-free stock photo

1) Non-irritant hair oil
  • 3/4 cup organic coconut oil
  • 100 gram gooseberry powder
  • 1/4 castor oil
  • 4 liter water
First you need to prepare a decoction from gooseberry powder i.e. take 70 gram of gooseberry powder and boil it in 4 liter water until 1/4 cup water is left then strain the water with a help of strainer in a bowl and keep the water aside. Then make a paste of the remaining 30 gram of gooseberry powder with some water add this paste in a pot with coconut oil, castor oil and the gooseberry water. Let it boil until all the water evaporates and you are just left with gooseberry sediment and oil. You should let it cool before storing it in a glass jar or bottle and apply this hair oil about 2 tbsp to your scalp at least 3 times a week. Massaging your head should be done with your head upside down and should take about 20 minutes in order to promote circulation to your scalp. Leave it on for about 2 hours and then wash your hairs with a mild, paraben and sulphate free shampoo and conditioner.

2) Hydration boosting oil
  • 1 cup edible mustard oil
  • 30 gram gooseberry powder
  • 1/4 cup aloe vera gel
First take the gooseberry powder then add some water to turn it into a paste. Second take fresh aloe vera gel and blend it with a help of blender to get rid of lumps in the gel. Combine the gooseberry paste and aloe gel then place it in a pot with mustard oil and let it simmer on low flame until you see that the mixture has become thicker and have evaporated the water. This process can take up to 20 minutes as you are using low flame on stove so that the mustard oil does not get loose its potents. Once it is done let it cool and save it in a glass jar or bottle. Use this oil twice a week and massage your head upside down to promote circulation to your scalp. You can leave it on over night or just for two hours before washing your hairs. Wash your hairs with mild, sulphate and paraben free shampoo and conditioner.

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